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Tuesday 22 November 2011

Renting a book?

I love to read and have a huge collection at home ranging from comics to mystery novels. Just like many of you guys, I hate course textbooks and as much as I want to learn, I start feeling sleepy when it is open in front of me. I have learnt many tips and tricks for keeping my eyes open, which I will be sharing in my blog soon. Textbooks make a huge part after tuition in your university finance. I think it's a major pocket-hole damage sometimes.

I heard York has renting a textbook for a semester plan? Is that true? Is it really $19 approximately? I need to find that out, because that's like illegally photocopying the book in a legal manner :)! If I get any information, I will be posting about it in a few days once I get my books. Till then, just keep wondering and asking people around you ;. You never know your messiah is just around the corner ;).

    Sobi Follow YorkYuLife on Twitter

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